Boss’n’Data Episode 14: Balancing Privacy with Innovation with Sorcha Lorimer

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According to the World Economic Forum, by 2025, it’s estimated that 463 exabytes of data will be created each day globally, the equivalent of 212,765,957 DVDs per day.
Some of this data will be generated by machines, and some of it by humans. When that data is our data, when it’s personal or sensitive information, we need to ask ourselves when should and shouldn't that data be shared or even collected. Whether it’s for medical trials that lead to breakthroughs 'for good' or with the government, or with technology companies building new AI tools, we should understand and accept when our data should be kept private and minimised and where sharing or publishing would be a breach of trust.

Rob and Sorcha discuss:

  • How both societal and organisational data literacy skills enhance data privacy and governance understanding.
  • The challenges that a lack of understanding can bring with regards to data sharing
  • “Surveillance Capitalism” and the data we’re sharing inadvertently…

Guest Bio:

Data disruptor tears up the career map and plots a path of her own -  Business Insider

Sorcha Lorimer is the Founder of Trace, a global privacy and data security start-up where she has extensive client, product, and business building experience. Dually qualified in privacy and cyber security risk management, she takes a holistic and practical approach to helping Trace’s clients build trusted brands and data models and leverage a “by design” approach to privacy and security for competitive advantage.

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Meet the Host:

Robin Huggins

Robin Huggins, Director of Client Services, MBN Solutions

Rob is Client Services Director at MBN Solutions. It’s been over 12 years and he’s still the smiling face that our clients know and love. Whether it’s ensuring excellence in our engagement model or presenting at one of our events, Rob is often the first MBN face that people see. He’s pretty good, too. So good that he’s been recognised as one of the hundred most influential people in the UK Data Industry...twice.