At this point, it’s not news to say that there’s a tech and data skills shortage in the UK. Businesses are scrambling to scoop up the best talent as quickly as possible and in the rush are overlooking some of their best assets: their software engineers.
The beauty of software development is that once developers have expertise in one language, they can relatively easily pick up a second (or third).
One of the best ways to future proof your team and business is helping your team continually upskill by cross training your software engineers in new languages, turning them into strong assets for your business while increasing their workplace satisfaction and boosting retention (and we all know that it costs more to hire than it does to retain talent).
The Benefits of Cross Training Your Developers
Cross-training your developers has several benefits, not least of all helping to future-proof skillsets, increase motivation and retention and help give your company a competitive edge in a market with a talent shortage.
These are the four (most compelling) reasons to cross train your developers:
Growing and nurturing your developers can have huge payoffs for your organisation. The talent market is competitive and with more jobs than people available, it’s easy for your engineers to find places where they’re happy and comfortable. One of the best ways to increase retention and satisfaction is by giving people the opportunity to explore and learn new skills.
From upskilling people in house using training and mentor sessions to external service providers, there are a range of ways that you can engage your team with upskilling and cross training in new development languages. These can easily be tied to performance and training reviews or used informally.