Do I Need a Data Engineer or a Machine Learning Engineer? A Guide to Making the Right Choice

In today's data-driven world, companies often find themselves at a crossroads when deciding which technical roles are essential to their growth. Two roles that frequently come into focus are *of data, but they serve distinct purposes within a company’s data ecosystem. Understanding the differences between these roles and knowing when to hire each is key to ensuring that your data projects succeed.

Understanding the Roles: Data Engineer vs. Machine Learning Engineer

Data Engineer

A Data Engineer is responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the infrastructure that allows an organisation to collect, store, and process large volumes of data. Their work typically involves:

- Building Data Pipelines: Creating efficient and scalable pipelines that automate the extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) of data from various sources into a central repository (like a data warehouse).
- Data Integration: Ensuring that data from different sources is clean, consistent, and available in a unified format.
- Performance Optimisation: Optimising the performance of data systems, ensuring quick access to data for analysis and reporting.
- Data Governance: Implementing and maintaining data governance practices to ensure data quality, security, and compliance.

Machine Learning Engineer

On the other hand, a Machine Learning (ML) Engineer focuses on building, deploying, and maintaining machine learning models that can analyse data and generate predictions or insights. Their responsibilities include:
- Model Development: Designing and developing machine learning models, from selecting the appropriate algorithms to tuning hyperparameters.
- Feature Engineering: Transforming raw data into features that can be effectively used by machine learning models.
- Model Deployment: Deploying models into production environments, ensuring they can operate at scale and deliver real-time predictions if needed.
- Model Monitoring and Maintenance: Continuously monitoring model performance and retraining models as necessary to maintain accuracy and relevance.

When Do You Need a Data Engineer?

You should consider hiring a Data Engineer if your organisation is facing challenges such as:

1. Large Volumes of Data: If your company is dealing with a massive amount of data from various sources (e.g., databases, APIs, logs, IoT devices), a Data Engineer can help in setting up the necessary infrastructure to handle it efficiently.
2. Data Silos: When your data is scattered across different systems and you need a unified view for analytics or reporting, a Data Engineer can integrate these data sources into a cohesive data architecture.
3. Poor Data Quality: If you’re struggling with inconsistent, incomplete, or inaccurate data, a Data Engineer can implement data cleansing and validation processes.
4. Scalability Needs: As your business grows, so does your data. A Data Engineer ensures that your data infrastructure can scale to meet increasing demand without compromising performance.

When Do You Need a Machine Learning Engineer?

A Machine Learning Engineer becomes essential in situations like:

1. Advanced Analytics: When your business needs go beyond basic descriptive analytics and you want to predict future trends, customer behavior, or identify anomalies, a Machine Learning Engineer can develop predictive models to help.
2. AI-Powered Products: If your company is building products or services that rely on real-time recommendations, personalised content, or automated decision-making, a Machine Learning Engineer is crucial to developing and deploying these intelligent systems.
3. Model Scalability: If you already have models but they need to be scaled to handle large volumes of data or real-time processing, a Machine Learning Engineer ensures that these models can run efficiently in production.
4. Model Maintenance: Machine learning models can degrade over time due to changes in data patterns. A Machine Learning Engineer can monitor, update, and retrain models to maintain their accuracy.

The Overlap: When You Might Need Both

In many organisations, the roles of Data Engineers and Machine Learning Engineers can overlap. Here are some scenarios where having both on your team can be advantageous:

- End-to-End Machine Learning Pipelines: If your company is developing machine learning models from scratch and needs to deploy them in production, you’ll need both Data Engineers to manage the data infrastructure and Machine Learning Engineers to develop and deploy the models.
- Data-Driven Decision Making:  For organisations aiming to leverage data across the entire business, both roles can work together to ensure that data flows seamlessly from ingestion to insight generation.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Expertise

The decision to hire a Data Engineer or a Machine Learning Engineer ultimately depends on your specific needs and where you are in your data journey. If your primary challenge is building and maintaining a robust data infrastructure, start with a Data Engineer. If your focus is on leveraging data through advanced analytics or AI, then a Machine Learning Engineer is the right choice.

For many companies, the ideal scenario is to have both roles working in tandem, ensuring that data is not only well-managed but also effectively used to drive intelligent decision-making. By understanding the unique contributions of each role, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business objectives and sets you on the path to success.


Author Bio


Michael started MBN to deal with what he perceived as a weakness within the recruitment industry and its lack of deep domain expertise in the areas of data, analytics and technology. 15 years on, MBN is a hugely successful and market leading provider of People Solutions to disruptive and fast moving businesses seeking the very best talent to support their strategic intent. MBN’s success has come about through leadership and passion to collaborate and build communities of stakeholders. In recent years this has been evidenced through organising and facilitating two of the UK’s most compelling networking groups: Scotland Data Science & Technology and Blockchain Scotland Meet-Up Group. With such groups playing a pivotal role in helping to surface unmet clients’ needs and helping to build links with an enhanced candidate pool, he has also used this as a platform for growth by hosting events such as ScotChain, CityChain and Data Talent 2.0. Outside of MBN, he continues to act as an advisor and mentor to a number of start-ups, charities and third-sector organisations and have provided support to many government agencies seeking to understand the evolving complex landscape of Data Talent Acquisition.